#Beautiful Room available only for female Tenant This room is suitable for students and you can rent it for a short or long period. The comfy room is furnished with a double bed, desk, chair, closet, and shelves. This room has a private and bright balcony. The room is part of a beautiful apartment and this consists of 5 rooms, two bathrooms one with a shower and the other with bathtub, and a very clean and fully equipped kitchen. The other girls, who live in the apartment are nice and very sociable and they study at the Naba and at the Cattolica. The price is inclusive of all expenses (bills, condominium fees, wifi internet). The apartment is located in a very calm neighborhood where you can find all kind of amenities. Nearby, you can find different shops, parks, a supermarket, a Catholic church, and BOCCONI NABA DOMUS and Cattolica. The neighborhood offers all means of transports to reach Humanitas, Cattolica, Bocconi, and Naba Domus just in 20 mins; bus 79 and tram 3,15 Please be aware that Housing Anywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve the room, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you...
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